Do you like the way this band looks? Oh yes, it’s true. HOT HOT HOT! If you like that, check out our live sound. GWAS band has no gigs scheduled for a while. We’re going to write music and just jam out. We might play your gig if the pay is right. Heh Heh. If you wanna book us, head over to our contact page.
GWAS posted this as: still images, waste

Greenwood Car Show 6/27/09 - Show Blog
This was our first outdoor summer show in awhile and the sun was pounding down. Fortunately there is lots of shade on Greenwood Ave and there was beer and more shade next door at the Wing Dome. We took the stage around 2PM and played to a big crowd and lots of cool cars (over 700 cars this year) with a mix of originals and big dumb crowd pleasers. We had a great time. Bands before us: Mama Tried & Perry Acker were great.
petenice posted this as: fresh, live recordings, show blog, still images, waste

Christmas Snelk 2008 - Show Blog
Xmas 2008. Winter arrived just in time for the Greenwood All*Stars to return to the Alpine Inn & Snorting Elk Cellar for another weekend of double stack jams on Friday & Saturday 12/19 & 20. What a great time. We can’t wait to get back in the spring.
Dee and the rest of the folks at Crystal Mt Hotels continue to do a great job and the Elk (voted the “Top Ski Bar in the West” by Snow Country Magazine a few years back) remains one of WA state skiing’s great treasures. Ski in soon. You’ll be glad you did.
download mp3 | flash audio |
I’m A Man |
Audio Files from Snelk Dec 08
Drop.io – Snelk 01 | Snelk 02 | Snelk 03 | Snelk 04 | Snelk 05
GWAS posted this as: live recordings, waste

Overcoming it 08/20/08 - Show Blog
Last Sunday’s Peace Concert was yet another lesson in overcoming negativity. The situation was classic. The All*Stars were scheduled for 4:45, so we told our peoples to be there around 4pm. We had a great turnout of friends, family and folks who hadn’t been out to a show in years. Well, 5pm came along and the band “Spinning Brodies” started to break down their gear. However, as the All*Stars were prepping, multiple long-hair dudes started pushing massive stacks toward the stage. What’s this? Another band? Turned out the drummer for “Brodies” was also in a project called “Overcome” and they were going to do a few songs. Um, okay… it wasn’t scheduled, but go ahead rockers.
Overcome kicked it off with a sludge-guitar intro, followed by the obligatory rhetorical cry, “are you ready to rock?” Things went downhill from there. Their set expanded into a buttrock-epic as they flogged cover after cover, introduced guest shredders, and basically turned a sunny Peace Concert into the Ballard Firehouse (RIP).
Backstage their “manager” started throwing elbows when we inquired about the length of their act. In the world of Overcome, only the strong survive. Anyone who’s been in a gigging band can probably relate. Sublime said it best when opined that sitting through a shitty band was worse than being hassled by the man… and the stink from the van was fully in effect yesterday afternoon.
Eventually, Overcome ran out of songs they knew and scuttled off. But not before a significant number of our fans had to split. But now comes the cool part… Before we launched our set we gathered up the remaining friends and family and paid witness as Alan and Betsy got married (Abe’s Brother and Sister-in-law). Don Glenn helped to perform the ceremony and signed the wedding documents. The ritual was beautiful and emotional and in some ways, even more potent after waiting out the mess. Afterwards, the All*Stars played a really hot set in the afterglow of love and oneness.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste

MessMan's Mesquerade 10/31/07 - Show Blog
By far the most fun and drunk show we’ve played in a long long time. Crowd was happening durning the first set, sparse during the second. Some cool folks cheered us on for the late late tunes. One cool dude sang a verse for Mary Jane. We ended up busting out a bunch of old crusty numbers. Audio tape came out horrible. MessMan is truly the man. We hurled pumpkins at Starbucks at 3:30 am.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste

Pocket Park 8/07 - show blog
Abe and I played this one with crippling hangovers. We had been to see the Rat City Rollergirls the night before – and made a swing through the North City Tavern where a fellow with good intentions and a bad attitude bought round after round of Jaggerbombs. Needless to say… Hurtin. Thank goodness Dan stepped up again. Good old Danny, addressing the crowd, calling the set, reminding me when to solo. Nonetheless, the audience seemed to dig it. Memory is foggy, but I seem to remember “Tidal Waves” and “Hey Baby” going well. I was mostly just happy when Abe did his numbers. After we played Jim Page and Artis the Spoonman got up to do their thing. Always entertaining… At one point Artis did a speech about how Paul Allen’s company was late sending him a check for $800. People clapped. I was in such pain – couldn’t join the revolution, under any other circumstance – I woulda stormed the barracades for my man.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste

Peace Concert 8/07 - show blog
The woodies put on a really high energy show for the peace concert. The conditions were perfect – a gorgeous day, a decent turn out, an enthusiastic crowd. It’s becoming a tradition for us to help Don push out the “Peace Wave” as our opener. Second song started out great, “Saving Face” brought upbeat energy into the amphitheater. People seemed to perk up. Then we slowed the set down with “Working Holiday” and “Hey Baby”.
I had my hollowbody PRS rigged through the Speedster and we were all playing really loud, so the stage sound was trigger finger touchy and super hot. I played a massive-evil-electro-clam at the beginning of “Geek Love” – but once wasn’t enough so I did it again. Did it sound intentional? I hope so. Martin the Conga player was up there with us. We didn’t have an organized set list, (we never do), when we called “Jimmy” Martin said “I love that song,” so we played it and killed it. Then we took the express train to noisetown during the jam. The folks backstage seemed to dig it. They cheered. We brought the show back to reality with “Bumpkin”, folks dug the vocal improv. On “Atari Car” we did a foolishly long hold when the jam was peaking. I hope it sounded cool, it felt right. We closed with “Sneakin Sally” in which we worked up a new schtick and a vocal jam. The post concert high was supplemented with many beers and other intoxicants. What an incredible day. It’s what summer is all about.
petenice posted this as: show blog, waste

The Snorting Elk 12/06 - show blog
Abe: this was a good weekend. two nights, two different crowds, one great venue:
Night 1
construction workers, scientists, weekday riders enjoying live music before the commute back to civilization. loud sounds, pizza, short set breaks and tall orders.
i always enjoy the in – between – set banter with listeners:
this night involved an up and close conversation with John, a construction worker fom Oregon who came from a long line of Finnish Fisherman. we discussed the merits of Richard Thompson and the propensity of the scottish to be drunk.
we got a good response from the crowd, especially during the second set. people from all walks of life enjoy the drum solo!
people from all walks of life enjoy the encore to the drum solo!
then more drum solos!!! as pete nice put it so eloquently, “Dan, you remember when we tried to bring back the outtro at the end of Donna? and you shook us off like we were fleas on a dog’s back! “
Pete: Another epic weekend indeed. It went like clockwork.
Night 2
Our goal for the second night was to get the room dancing. It took all night, but we won them over. During the first set the crowd was responsive to our more psychedelic stuff. By the third set, they were drunk enough to dance to Sloopy.
abe posted this as: show blog, waste

mr spock
mr spock was a man…
with a can of science in his hand
he liked to open it up— drain out the stuff(turn it into a bong)
then sedate his muncheez with spam!
abe posted this as: waste

The Blue Moon 11/06 - show blog
Abe: that was a good show. thanks jayjay, uncle doodad and dangermart. dangermart rocked! tim is is crazy. that is good. im happy that we played the tsetse fly song, its been up in my head dancing around for some time. its good to get that shit out there. also, i enjoyed the relevancy of backporch: 2 years after it’s inception. that is a sign of a good song-gawdamn! musically we didn’t get too far out there(limited time), which is ultimately where id like to be, yet all in all a good showing by gwas. on another note, general tso’s at HOHO garden((can’t be sure about the name(?)) is the bomb. as is uncle doodad, those guys understand the beauty of direct to disk live recording, and layed down some tasstyyyy schnizzz. as is dangermart- hard rocking mofos with crisp clean sounds and a masked front man who in the spirit of good fun almost inspired a two man riot! now that is a show!! a
PeteNice: We played first on a three band bill with Uncle Doodad and Dangermart. Much praise and thanks to Dangermart for hooking us up with the gig, and continued kudos to JJ for running such a cool scene down there. We played a short set of mostly GWAS classics to a fairly full room. It was great to see people light up for the one new tune we played “Teesee Fly”. The stage sound is pretty flat and the monitor wasn’t working. If you listen to the linked file above it’s a pretty good representation of what it sounded like up there. However, it’s always a blast to play the Moon. You can really push it out there and back.
D-Bone: The set was good, but not as good as the tequila we shot down before we took the beer-smelling stage of the Moon. The show got of our local posse out, like Scott & Jen, Diana, Sabina, and several others. Overall I thought this was our best performance in over a year, in terms of tightness and general dynamics and carrying the tunes along their paths. Of course, being the drummer, that opinion is not likely shared amongst the rest of the guys. I got the impression that I was the only one who thought we played well. I guess we’ll find out when we listen to the CD that the awesome guys in Uncle DooDad so graciously recorded of our set and gave us. Just for that alone, we owe them one :) but certainly not to take anything away from the DangerMart express…Tim, if you’re reading this, you are CRAZY! Never stop doing what you’re doing….people in the audience need to get more involved, and you guys certainly draw them in. NIce set by all, thatnks of course to the Moon, JJ for the gig, DangerMart for having us open up, Uncle DooDad for the CD and jamming a hot set as well, and of course the underage drummer who couldn’t hang out in the club but still made the effort to jam – and did a great job! Thanks guys for a fun and rcoking night! PS – I should drink tequila more often….should I?
dan posted this as: show blog, waste

Blue Moon 11/06 - Live Recording
Here’s a live recording of the show we played with Uncle Doodad and
Dangermart on November 8th 2006. Thanks to Uncle DooDad for hooking us up.
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The Rainbow 9/06 - show blog
PeteNice: The stage sound at the ‘Bow is awesome. You can feel the bass coming up from below your feet, and the monitor mix is so very very nice. It’s amazing how a positive feedback loop like that can help you perform much better. All*Star band played great but the room was mostly empty. The Bow has been on a long slow slide it seems. Good news is I heard they’re renovating. It would be great if they moved toward no cover charge style booking like they do at the Moon.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste

Show Blogs Through the Ages
For years this band has kept a blog. Here's everything from our old site in one post. Whoa.
Friday, September 9th 2005 - The Blue Moon
Danny Boy:
This was the most political show we've ever done, capped by Pete Nice's
Anti-Bush rap. I thought we might get miniature cans of oil thrown at
us by psuedo-conservatives who were trying to enjoy a night as a liberal
for a change. People, their butts, and their political views. But this
was a special gig for me since my parents were at the show. In fact, we
learned "When the Saints Come Marching In" in the hopes my dad (at the
ripe young age of 76) would get up and sing. I guess it was not meant
to be...he chickened out. Wus. Regardless, we jammed hard and had fun.
Would have been nice to see more people out there, but it was a busy
night in the Seattle music scene, so understandable we didn't get as
many bodies in as we wanted. Next time we'll stand outside and bring
them in a gun point.
Matty N:
Fun night at the moon. JJ (sound guy/booker) has really dialed in the whole stage
set-up process. Gigs at the moon used to be pretty chaotic but not anymore. We
played two sets to a medium sized crowd. A classic GWAS show in terms of highs
and lows. We're still struggling to sing harmony. Sometimes I think we're getting
better but after this show I'm not so sure. Then again, if I didn't get all drunk
maybe I'd sing my parts better. Anyway we really got into the pocket with some
of our jams which is my favorite thing to do - so no complaints. We played some
of our political songs and I found myself playing real angry (especially on
Backporch). My frustration with the federal government has reached an all time
high and it was cathartic to release some of my angst through music. For a second
I think I even felt what it must have been like to jam hard in the late 60's. Ah,
if only I could hold that feeling.
Pete Nice:
Ah yes, that's the feeling, an all-night show with no PA problems and no
one rushing us off the stage. We're at our best when we can open up and
jam and improv as a band. That's why I love playing music - spontaneous
collective magic - and it happens best for us at The Blue Moon. The
first set highlight for me was when a dreadlocked dude cheered on my solo
during "Hook Slide". Our second set was a joyful blur with lots of long
solos and my own personal pitcher. The crowd thinned out but those who
stayed were super-charged. One furry guy up front was especially enthused. We
went into a spur of the moment "When the Saint's go Marching in" during
"Mr E". Some new ones included "What Deaner was Talking About",
"Egyptian Reggae", "Baldheads", "Tush Tush Tush" and "Atari Car". We closed with "Soul
Kitchen" and hit Dicks for some late night nasty.
Sunday, July 17th 2005 - Seattle Peace Concert
Pete Nice:
Don always does such an incredible job of pulling these shows together
with shoestrings and duct-tape. At this particular show American Music
spaced some gear and the sound guy bailed, so the musicians all had to
pull together (sort of) to get the PA set up. The show started two hours
late, which was fine with us, the delay generated a bigger crowd. For
soundcheck we played a few bars of "Neckbone". Everything seemed fine.
However, a few moments later, the guitar mic clipped out in the middle
of "Do You Feel It"... I tried wiggling the cable and it came back to
life, but only temporarily. Soon we were playing "Foreign Shores" and
the mic was sending huge pops through the mains. This continued for the
rest of the set. Alas, we played the best we could, we ripped up a new
one called "Atari Car" and closed with an extended "Breakfast of Love"
jam. Here's where the gripe comes in... It was nice of the sound guy from
Special Meds to help patch together the crude PA, but it was lame of him
to sit on the good mics and cables that he brought and later busted out
for "his" band. I mean seriously, I could kind of understand if it was
some kind of competitive thing with industry folks and Special Meds was
trying to "get to the top" by making sure the first band sounded crappy,
but yo, this was Don Glen's *Peace Concert* - you know, free food, share
the love, work together... So, whatever, all the hippies had to listen to
a messed up sound system because the good mics were waiting in the van.
Next time, we'll bring our own mics and we will and *share them* with
the other bands.
Sunday, May 22 2005 - University District Street Fair
Pete Nice:
We were really pumped up to play this festival because the booker at the
U District Chamber of Commerce said we were one of the best bands that
applied. Wow, really? Right on! Unfortunately, the folks who were
running the stage had a different opinion. Or at least, they decided to
cut our set in half. Perhaps they were tired, or the shows had gone on
too long that day. Whatever the case, just as we were getting into the
meat of our set, we were given the cane. Alas, the brief show we played
was really tight. We opened with a modified version of "Bumpkin" which
is always a crowd pleaser. Then we rocked a short version of "Sexy
People." We introduced the band during "Storytime" and then segued into
"Nookie Run". At this point they called "one more" so we closed with
"Still Sitting". Overall, it was a great showcase for the band (about
250 people in the audience) and even though the sound guy yoinked our
set, it was worth it.
Saturday, April 9 2005 - Dubliner
Pete Nice:
We're kind of like the Dubliner's "house band"
at this point... and we're psyched. The room has great acoustics
and Mike the sound guy did a super job last night. The Dub gives each band member a
free pitcher and the
cash from the door isn't bad. Unfortunately, our first set opened with a clunker, "Happy Sex Worker"
which we haven't played in about a year and we never open with (now we know why).
But soon we got
into the groove with extra slow versions of "Backporch" and "Mr Spock".
We goofed out on a new short tune called "Wigglyworm" and segued into
"Breakfast of Love" which achieved maximum viddlyness.
We closed a short first set with a specially dedicated cover of "Sloopy".
Several pitchers later we took the stage again for a marathon second set. We opened with
"A Tear for Eddie" which got a few folks in the room really pumped up (gotta love those
Ween fans). Shortly after we played "Brazil -> Besame Mucho" also two new ones. Then
we got into the regular GWAS groove with our standards "Ninja Shark", "Breznev", etc etc.
Notable late night busts included "Muminum" which we haven't played since our first gig ever at the old
Rendezvous, and a few bars of "Chalkdust Torture" which was by request. Mister Martini,
who at this point is the unofficial 5th member of the band (thanks for the extra pitcher)
jammed out with us on "Neckbone". Soon after we played Mr Norris' love song "Not Even" during
which Keith and I traded solos. We were getting pretty sloppy as the night
wore on, I turned around at one point to see Abe downing shots of Tequila, followed
up with a full-on stage dive (or tumble). Folks were getting into it, one woman
from Chicago got the front of the room up to dance. We continued rocking until last call, at
which point I made a mad dash to the 7-11 for more beer. Nice
to see CreepyTom hangin out at the late night sesh.
The theme of last night's show was "Apache" - for we must honor
the riders, their land strong earth, who must be free... free to live their own lives.
Friday, January 28 2004 - The Blue Moon
Pete Nice:
Without doubt this was one of our most rocking shows ever. The
gig was booked as a double bill with "The Wilderness Children" who,
unfortunately, broke up before the show. That opened up the whole
evening to the all stars. Which is the way we like it. Playing all night
allowed us to open our jams to improvised spaces we've never been
before. The crowd was excellent at the moon. They were with us from the
start. Listen to the live tracks, the crowd
was going nuts! Guest stars included Keith Martini, Scott Owen and
Ellisa Benjamin.
Friday & Saturday, December 17 & 18 2004 - Snorting Elk Cellar
Pete Nice:
The Alpine Inn welcomed us back for another weekend of debauchery at
Crystal Mountain. Although we didn't get ideal ski conditions, the skies
were blue and spirits were high. We did our best to stir up some
positive mojo for the Crystal Crew by playing double sets on Friday and
Saturday. Overall, both shows were pretty slick. We closed Saturday with
an extended "I'm a Man -> Interstellar" jam. Probably our tightest stuff
was "Ninja Shark" and "Saving Face" on Saturday. Abe's new tune "Mr
Spock" brought out some smiles. Also, the new "Mary Jane -> Neckbone"
medly was popular. People like songs about marijuana and fried foods.
After the show on Friday we raged so hard that three of us ended up
booting. Saturday night found three Greenwoodies stumbling around like
fools in a world of magnificent crystalline darkness.
Friday, October 22, 2004 - Fremont Dubliner
Pete Nice:
It felt really good to get the band cranked up again for another
show at the Dubliner. We took the last three months off to work on new
material. Also, Dan was on hiatus from GWAS so he could work on a
rock opera. At last Friday's show
we were back in high form - with a good crowd - and great energy.
Highlights included Abe's new tune "Mr Spock" and guest singer Kelly
Scott who killed "Tyrone". Late night we got a bit sloppy (as usual) and
then turned the stage over to Color of Revolution. Rob showed up freshly
buzzed from the Van Halen concert and jammed on the keys. Afterwards we
all headed back to my pad for pizza and a late night smoke out.
Sunday, July 4, 2004 - Tacoma Freedom Fair
Matty N:
Another working holiday for the Greenwood All*Stars. This show was on an
outdoor stage along Tacoma's Ruston Way waterfront with panoramic views
of Commencement Bay, Vashon Island, and the Olympic Mountains.
Breathtaking! As if by divine intervetion, the clouds parted the moment
we took the stage. We played quite a few covers at this show and managed
to win over some new fans. We closed with a smoking version of the GWAS
classic "Breakfast of Love" (which we don't play too often anymore). A
great wrap-up to a killer string of outdoor summer shows.
Sunday, June 27, 2004 - Seattle Peace Concert - Magnuson Park
Pete Nice:
The Peace Concert was a great experience. We were the first band to take
the stage on a totally gorgeous sunny afternoon. We seized the
opportunity to jam with Don Glen (Peace Concert organizer). After we
helped Don push the "Peace Wave" we rocked out on some Greenwood faves
including a really tight version of "Saving Face". After the show we
spent the day eating pasta salad, drinking beer and
swimming in Lake Washington. Life is good!
Saturday, June 26, 2004 - Greenwood Car Show
Pete Nice:
The Greenwood Car Show was way heavy. Polished steel, belching
motorcycles and sausage-eaters in tight leather set the vibe. Cool. We
pushed loud and hard with some fairly insane adaptations of classic rock
songs. We slammed on "Sloopy" and did a respectable version of "LA
Woman" - the crowd responded well to the covers and also to a few of our
originals - "Nookie Run" gathered a good groove. After two hours of
playing in the hot sun we were pretty wiped. I lost my voice and my
fingertips were bleeding. Yikes - rock is hard work!
Sunday, June 20, 2004 - Fremont Fair - Mainstage
Pete Nice:
Greenwood All*Stars at the Fremont Fair was one of our best shows yet.
Without a doubt, it was the soberest. It's a good feeling to get up,
drink some coffee, do some stretching, and play an awesome gig in front
of 100+ people. Our first AM show ever caught all the right vibes. We
played a few new numbers including a Kinks cover "Sunny Afternoon." We
also pulled out the classic "Monkey Party" jam with Mr. Martini in a
Gorilla costume. Diamond Dave Donar from Detroit got up and jammed on
the amazing electro harmonic mouth harp. There were lots of kids in the
audience, they had great fun watching the monkey dance around. Thanks to
everyone at Fremont Public and Static Factory for putting everything
Saturday, February 14, 2004 - Valentines Day - CD Release Party at Dubliner
Pete Nice:
For the last year we've been working on our first album "Slow Shark."
Last night we celebrated its release at the Dubliner in Fremont (which
is fast becoming our favorite room in town.) Scott the sound engineer
has installed better speakers and a nice mixing board so the music
sounds better than ever. Keith Martini opened the show with some lovely
Flamenco guitar styling and then Tim Castellani and Dan Moore joined
him. We took the stage at 10:15 and played two sets. First set
established a good groove and second set was really kicking. We played a
special Valentines Day serenade to a special someone and then busted new
material including "Flutes of Chi" and "Standing on the Verge." Late
night Color of Revolution got back up and played a few crazy punk rock
tunes. We closed the show with "I'm a Man / Interstellar" which was
cool. Judging by the crowd response and feedback we got from the
Dubliner employees, we pretty much rocked the room hard. It was one of
their better, busier Saturday nights. That's what we do people. We throw
out the vibe and pack the house. CD's almost totally sold out.
Friday & Saturday, January 23 & 24, 2004 - Snorting Elk Cellar at Crystal Mountain
Pete Nice:
All the hard work we've been putting into this project paid back
like a mighty good-karma boomerang last weekend. Lemme break it down. We meager
greenwoodies were given free lodging, free lift tickets, and free
pitchers of sweet nectar in exchange for two shows of crowd pleasing
pocket grooves and explosive raging freakshow jams. The Snelk is,
without question, the coolest ski bar in Washington. The heads showed up
in force and they got the fuck down. The whole crew there at the Alpine
Inn was totally chill. The vibe was as close to perfect as we had
dreamed. Did I mention that we severely rocked both shows? We came on
strong during first set on both nights and then evolved into freeform
spaces that set new highs for the All*Stars. Saturday had a much more
raging crowd that packed the dancefloor for all three sets!
Saturday, December 20, 2003 - The Fabulous Dubliner
Pete Nice:
Last night was our first show at the new Dubliner, first time
hanging out there really. The room has the same feel as the old Dub, but
the crowd's changed from sailors to sophisticates. I'm not complaining
tho... they pack the house every weekend. Special thanks to Scott for
helping us understand the sound dynamics of the room. On his advice we
struggled to keep the extremities under control. Hit the pocket in
"Roses" but the testosterone ripped free in "Nookie Run". It's a
delicate room, easy to overwhelm. On tape review, folks genuinely
grooved on our set, especially on the softer jams, which I think are
becoming our sweet spot. Looking forward to Bubb Rubb at the Dub again
Friday, December 19, 2003 - The Fabulous Rainbow
Pete Nice:
Great vibes and a cool scene. Much thanks
to Elias John Swann for running the Amazing GreenBall EyeCandy Vidly Video Show also
thanks to Juke for getting on the bill at the last minute (great fucking chops - dang!). Also,
Fudd the sound guy - great technique and super cool vibes. Load in was at
7, had to avoid a gaggle of drug dealers. Sound check went great. Opened
up with "Breznev" and went strong to a room that filled quite nicely. Worked a little christmas
cheer into "Donna" and told the "Story of the Rainbow" (a rambling epic about mustaches and strip clubs).
I did my noodling solos for way way way too long and then brought up Keith-o to peel thunder
from his axe. Holy monkeys! Always a pleasure to share the stage with the K-man. Juke rocked out
for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately Abe got a flat during load out
so we hung out with street people late into the night until AAA arrived.
Friday, October 31, 2003 - Capitol Hill Arts Center
Pete Nice:
Halloween night at the new Capitol Hill Arts Center - their
first really huge blowout - a massive rush indeed. What a way to
re-emerge from our Summer of creative cocooning. It was a real treat to
work with the CHAC staff - Bob, of course, gets first thumbs up for
hooking us with the gig. Amy - great press. Professional sound mix as
well. We rocked. Also had a few goofy schticks worked out, played
-neigh- became Salt and Pepa. Awesome all-star rapping from Jarred
Massved Karimi Eu. And who could forget the guest monkey who peeled
paint off the walls with his axe? Of course, the main attraction of the
night was Circus Contraption. It was my first time seeing their show,
and I totally vibed on their whole scene. Great to see big tent showmanship
co-mingled with "Bricoleur" musical tradition. And also, the backstage
strip-show was very very nice.
Thursday, July 10, 2003 - Larry's
Pete Nice:
We finally played in Pioneer Square, on Taco Night no less (free Tacos
for motorcycle ridin' wooly mammoths and their females). The first band
to play was "Eye Level" - they were really good and brought many fans.
We took the stage shortly after 11 and kicked into an hour of high
energy material. It's good we played our strongest stuff first because
as the night went on the crowd thinned out (typical for weeknight gigs).
After reviewing the tape, I'd have to say this was probably our most
jamming, highest energy show yet. We smoked on Jimmy and
played a new cover Jungle Man by the Chilis. We'll be taking the rest
of the Summer off to work on new material and so Matty can have a nice
wedding and honeymoon!
Monday, June 30, 2003 - Ballard Firehouse
Pete Nice:
This was our first ever "Battle of the Bands" - complete with a cash
award and recording contract. Alas, it was on a Monday night at the
Firehouse so we promoted a bit, but mostly played to get our foot in the
door with a new booker we're working with. We played second on the bill
(thank god) so there was a decent crowd (for a weeknight). The stage
sound at the Firehouse was pretty hot - I could have used more guitar in
the monitor mix - I heard from a fan that our mix was solid through the
mains. We only played for an hour so we rocked straight through. We
didn't win the contest (the winning band was the one who brought the most
fans) but we did win-over some new ears.
Saturday, June 21, 2003 - Blue Moon
Pete Nice:
Special thanks to Marangatang for warming up the crowd last
Saturday, not that the crowd needed much to get loose. Our show at the
Blue Moon marks the high water point for our drunkest audience ever.
Usually we have a few bawdy fellows at our gigs who yell and carry on
with the band - at the BM, they were coming in from all sides saying
things like "do dah yargolillah" and "you guys are garfo lashnish." All
in all it was a pretty wild gig, we jammed hard on Voodoo
Lady and Mr E's. Even though we got paid shit, it was a good
Wednesday, June 11, 2003 - Rendezvous
Pete Nice:
Our first gig as GWAS was at the Rendezvous, so it was fun to come back to the
Jewelbox Theater. There's still an issue with their electrical system that gives my amp
a wicked bad buzz. Ariel, the sound guy, did a great job helping me work around the issue
and he hooked us up with a great mix. We debuted our music video Highway Ninja Shark
at this show. Even thought the crowd was small, we played a really hot set.
Friday & Saturday May 9 & 10, 2003 - Baranof
Pete Nice:
This weekend we were accepted into the tribe of Baranof (pronounced BEAR -
A - Noff). Friday,
we played to a medium sized crowd of sit-downers - which was fine as we
were a bit rusty on our changes. Alas, we rocked into the wee hours and
left the audience satisfied. As tradition is beginning to dictate,
Saturday emerged as the more memorable evening. The room filled out
nicely. We welcomed our greenies with a new song titled Ode
To Greenwood and got them dancing with Brezhnev's Books. The set was
crowned by a special guest appearance by northwest legend Daddy
Treetops. He helped us jam on Hookslide and Stay up Late. After a
short break the magic began. We welcomed a series of guest stars to the
stage including The Feese, The Knopster, Castelani, Keith (monkey man)
Martini, Bob Basso and a few other drunken crooners. Wildness ensued:
breakdancers, beer chuggers, Jamaican freestylers, Mexican mullet men
and long legged Norse goddesses. Another magical evening in the heart of
Saturday, April 12, 2003 - Lock and Keel Tavern
Pete Nice:
After last weekends sloppy epic at Baranof we were really jazzed to play a tight show at the Keel.
After our customary din-din at Bad Alberts we trucked right to the stage with our bellies still full of
dock street burgers. We played loads of covers for the first half of the show and were psyched to see the club fill up
nicely. By 10pm the room was packed. The Keel is such a loud room that it was good to have all those bodies to absorb sound.
The best part was, only one or two folks there were GWAS loyalists, it was a room of fresh ears. Quite a few
folks got up to dance. We rocked out, cleared our gear and got our cash!
Friday & Saturday April 4 & 5, 2003 - Baranof
Pete Nice:
We thought that we would come to the age old Baranof and show the salty old dogs a new trick.
However, we young pups learned that if you tangle with the viking gods you tempt a stormy fate. Friday night
went wonderfully. We had a great turn out. The energy was hot. We played three sets and did quite a few extended
jams. Saturday was an entirely different story. Our bass player ate some bad mojo and turned to jelly after the
first set. Poor guy, he looked like a ghost. But the show went on with the help of some fabulous guest all*stars.
Things were coming back together until the Baranof gods ordered our biggest fan to swan dive
the dancefloor. At that point the magic cookies were transported to the rubbish bin.
Tuesday, February 25, 2003 - Tractor Tavern
Pete Nice:
Playing the Tractor was awesome. The stage sound was hot! We just came off a weekend of recording
so our set was super tight. Of course, playing late on a Tuesday pretty much guarantees a small crowd, but
dang if the the 30 people there didn't get totally into it - they were dancing and carrying on - it was
Saturday, December 14, 2002 - Lock and Keel Tavern
Pete Nice:
The "Keel" called us back and asked us to play there again. That's a good sign, the must
have dug us last time. When we showed up the bartender said "I've heard good things about you guys."
Right on! The gig went great, we flubbed a few parts here and there (especially on Attaq Iraq) -
but hey what band is perfect every time. Crowd response was enthusiastic. Dan had a friend adjust
the PA so we had a really nice mix.
Saturday, October 26, 2002 - 15th Ave Bar and Grill
Pete Nice:
Six hours before we were to take the stage, Abe called and said that Sarah was going
into labor! Wow! New Life! Congrats! As our keyboardist had fairly incredible other plans,
we went ahead and played the gig as a power trio. By all accounts
we rocked the house. We were opening for a band called "WAD" who we met at FreeFest.
They were really cool to let us play as long as we wanted. They also let us use their gear. Thanks
guys! After the show we hung out with Corey and Dave from FreeFest, what a great time!
Saturday, August 31st, 2002 - Lock and Keel Tavern
Pete Nice:
This was only our second official show in Seattle. It went really well. The opening
band was "Sole Moxie" they were great! We took the stage at about 11:30 and rocked until close.
The bar was PACKED! Yeah! People were really grooving on it. Afterwards we talked to some
folks from Philly who had been to Bumbershoot that day. They said we were the best band they'd seen
all day. Of course, they hadn't consumed five pitchers of beer at "the shoot."
Friday, July 26th, 2002 - FreeFest II
Pete Nice:
Awesome gig! Kicked off FreeFest on Friday. People jammin
around a huge bonfire. Forks crew lighting off mass Indian Rez Fireworks
and pouring dry gas on the fire - BOOM!! Flags waving, blue lights
streaking, band blasting grooves in the woods. Party till dawn yo!
Friday, June 14, 2002 - East Patio Lounge Mackie Designs Inc
Pete Nice:
Played to 100+ people on a sunny Friday. People got into it,
danced around, ate hot dogs. I think we freaked out a few folks with the
raunchy lyrics. Ha!
Friday, October 23rd, 2001 - The Rendezvous Restaurant
Pete Nice:
This gig was mucho funo, we had a nice turnout. It was one of the
last shows at the old Rendezvous.
GWAS posted this as:
show blog, waste

By Pete Nice
I don’t want to work. I don’t want no job. Just sit do nothing all day. Gonna sit right here. Until I get what I want. And if I don’t get what I want, if I don’t get what I need, I’ll just sit right here until I get what I want. I don’t got no girl. I don’t got no love. Cuz I ain’t got a job. I ask you to touch my hand. Feel how it’s growing cold. I’m turning into stone.
By Abe Oritz
Let’s all empty our cups, and make up some stories, about last weekend and waking up. With a shot to the arm, we need three weeks more, or some kind of alibi, don’t believe us, that’s fine. We won’t waste your time, but you better believe that we won’t get back in line.
That’s where you’ll see us next, in front of your car, for a two-dollar window wash, next to the mall. It may be a sign, a smile for a buck, tend to out look for your wallet, but a smile is just fine. We won’t waste your time, but you better believe me we won’t get back in line.
I know a man, his name is Tex, he lives in his van, he’s got a dollar sign tattooed in his right palm. Saves it for when times are bad, but otherwise when he’s begging, uses his left hand calls it his right hand man. About two years, I don’t remember if you’re asking, but he parked his van on some poor kid’s legs under the viaduct. Now it won’t waste your time, when you’re sitting in the pen, I don’t remember much but the time was just grand.
By Pete Nice
Ghosts chase me down the street, I’m just looking for something to eat. When I hit this power pill, I’m going to give them all a thrill. Standing next to a mountain, knock it down with the back of my hand. I want everyone in the room to know, I got the high score in missile command.
Push the pedal through the floor, Zippy was born in 84.That’s the year Robert Smith was Goth and Van Halen still had David Lee Roth. Super Mario, makes it’s engine go. Zippy is the badest car alive, let’s boot it up and go for a drive.
By Abe Oritz
You’re something to see Mr. Spock. So logical, logical, everything fit’s into the palm of your hand. Just pressure the neck, slip into control with suggestion. Empty the vessel of everything it understands, was this your plan? Was this your plan, logical man? Because last night I saw you at 2am in the alley having your palm read by some esoteric cat. What’s up with that?
By Pete Nice
Well my baby dun went and moved so far away. Daddy’s feeling dope sick, needs a little oil of Olay. It’s so far in my rusty car, I cross my heart because I need to pray. Daddies going to drive there and beg and plead, cuz my baby moved away just to get a degree.
Doan’s pills, Rolaids, No-doze and a full tank of gas. Blood shot eyeballs staring at the lines through the glass. I’m a paranoid, Mongoloid; Smokey caught me driving too fast. Baby moved away, she’s chasing a dream, cuz my baby moved away just to get a degree. Baby’s gone, Daddy’s gone. Don’t think I can carry on. Take a bus, it takes too long so now I sing this driving song. Baby moved away and I’m feeling so blue, my baby moved away, I think she met someone new.
By Matt Norris
She doesn’t like the way I sing,
I sing off key.
I wrote these words for another girl,
Not even gonna shape my reasons,
Not even, you know.
I’ll take you with me when I go.
I tossed around again last night,
I was thinking it through.
My thoughts drift off to someone else,
to somebody new.
I think I saw my baby,
right there on the TV.
I think she turned and looked at me.
Not even gonna shape my reasons,
Not even, you know.
I’ll take you with me when I go.
(yeah, yeah, yeah… c’mon)
By Abe Oritz
Because it’s old and it’s dentured. And it’s cold, down in the toes. So the story goes, mother nature, made the rains come, just to grow some mold. But it’s got nothing to do with her.
And she don’t have to shower, just to crawl into a bed completely made. And then lie there, watching minutes turn into hours, and then hours slowly melt into days. But it’s got nothing to do with her.
It’s a love attack, it’ll break your back, it’s making a comeback.
By Abe Oritz
Let’s pretend we never met each other. Let’s pretend we didn’t get along. That our puzzle pattern hearts, never fit together, locked forever on and on. It’s going to be another working holiday, why don’t you let me call you on the phone.
How is it that love and hate could be the same thing for you and I, a double helix twisted round and round. I’ll get you in a boxing ring and catch you with a sucker punch. Oh baby, please don’t cry.
By Pete Nice
Sysaphis, with his chips cashed in, the deck is stacked, your going to win, push that boulder you high roller. You got game and you can’t complain, when you tied one on and you’re feeling no pain, but just how long can this go on? Oh oh what’s that sound, everybody look what going down, that’s the song when something’s wrong. My my it’s the crash, we all knew that it wouldn’t last, money spent, it came and went. I know you wanna save your face, but you’re crashing your car to win the race. Pride is a ride with its ups and downs, but you sailing your ship into the ground.
What do I do, it affects me too, they see right through those things you do, you haven’t got a clue darling. You were pretty bold, but now you’re deep in a hole, think again fair-weather friend. It’s so deep that you can’t see out, no one hears you when you shout, twist and turn, feel the burn. Now we’ve reached the end, time for us to start again, but not for you your time is through. Brand new start and a brand new deal, build it up on something real, start again, it never ends. I’m new to this, hubris. I can’t resist, to raise my fist. But it doesn’t seem to matter anyway.
By Pete Nice
My Angelina serine she’s dancing salsa, under moonlight bright down from above. My Corazon alone is beating harder, does she know that she’s the one I love. Her dress impress it’s clinging to her tightly. Her heels appeal, they’re clicking on the tile. Retain, refrain, I wish that I could hold her. And gaze into her eyes and see her smile.
But all the while she’ll only dance with Lupe. He knows the steps to steal her heart away. She doesn’t know that he will just mistreat her.
But all I can do is sit right here and wait.
The spice is nice but it’s burning my estamogo. A burrito supreme is sitting on the plate. Suffice the night is not as I had hoped it would be, I brought her here for a nice romantic date. At the casa que pasa they’re turning up the music. My sweet petite is getting up to dance. A Latino amigo is stroking his thick mustache and spoiling all my chances for romance.
But all the while she’ll only dance with Lupe. He knows the steps to steal her heart away. But then out of the blue I remember some words from high school. I clear my throat and this is what I say.
Say goodnight tonight, my darling oh so lovely. Say goodnight tonight, that’s all we’ll have today. From out of the blue, my Spanish skills, they impressed you. Because I knew the words that start with besame.
By Pete Nice
Sweet Annabelle Marie, please indulge me in this fantasy. We’ll sail to foreign shores, there we’ll live right forever more. It’s all about you, what you put me through. It’s all about me, and a fantasy. I’ll weave it out of thread, draw the bath and make the bed, A song I’ll write to sing all night to you my friend.
With eyes as black as snow, they burn right through like the blacksmith’s coals. Be careful what you sow, eyes like that make my poor heart explode. It’s all about you, you’re too good to lose. It’s all about me, and a fantasy.
Let’s dream of who we’ll be. And turn that dream into reality. We’ll sail to foreign lands. Our trip starts now if you take my hand. It’s all about you, what you put me through. The lies I tell, let’s hope that they come true.
GWAS posted this as: lyrics, waste

The Dubliner 10/05 - show blog
PeteNice: This was a big show for us, our first big show without Danny. He’s not out of the band, he just couldn’t make this gigs. We hooked up with Martin the Conga Guy to keep time. It was a great experience. We really had to get out front of the groove and we also had to bring down the energy. Much more focus on lyrics and harmony, which we actually hit. Yeah.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste

Nectar Lounge 12/05 - show blog
PeteNice: Nectar Lounge is a great room with quality sound. We don’t usually play weeknights, but we made an exception to test this place out. They took really good care of the band (showed us where the secret beer stash was) and were attentive to our sound (thanks Synge.) Fortunately, we had a decent crowd for the first half of our set because we played right after Monday night football. Later it was just a mere handful. But that’s all good, we booked this show to decompress after our weekend in the studio. It felt really good to go from such a controlled setting to an open space. There were some nice moments. “Foreign Shores” and “Besame Mucho” felt really good and Abe was really solid on “Nothing To Do With Love”. It was also cool to reconnect with Corey from FreeFest. Sounds like he’s ramping up to do it again in 2006. Hellz yeah.
GWAS posted this as: show blog, waste